Tada! That actually wasn't all that bad. It was a bit akward working with 4'X10' sheets by myself getting them into position to mark
but once I got them cut down a bit, things pretty much fell into place. I would just temporarily screw a big piece into position, and then use a 12' long piece of 1"X2" vinyl trim piece I picked up at home depot as a batten. I would lay this batten in position to get a nice fair curve. Then I'd trace it and cut it. Then put the panel back up and use the batten to mark the other edge. Did this three times, then was able to just use the panels as patterns to cut out the three for the other side. Actually ended up pretty symetrical. I then drilled holes and zip tied the whole thing together and filled the gaps with thickened epoxy. I'm hapy with the look of the thing. I like the look of a lot of the European ocean racers--the minis, the open 40's etc and I think this will have a bit of that look to it.
Looks great!!
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